Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pay it forward - a little kindness towards airline employees goes a long way

I have said more times than I can count . . . be nice to airline and airport employees and it will go a long way when you need something.  Today my thoughts on this topic were validated and it came from the employee’s mouth herself.

My flight was delayed (usual day, right?).  Knowing how the east coast airports operate and start to domino delay in the afternoon, I waited in a long line at the airline club service desk to see if I could be added to the stand-by list for another flight.  I mentioned my flight was delayed and said I wanted to see if she could please add me to the stand-by list for an earlier flight.  As she was looking in her computer, she commented on “how nicely I presented that”, in that I was open to the fact she may not be able to help me, I said please, and was friendly.  She mentioned that the gentleman she had waited on before me told her what she “better do" for him. 
We started talking a bit as she was looking in the computer system.  She mentioned some of the things travelers say to her in approaching her or during their conversations.  She flat told me that there are things she has to do to help people, and then there are additional things she could try above and beyond that to help people.  And if people are rude to her, she will do just what she has to but nothing more.  But for those who are friendly and calm and do not yell or blame or treat her in a derogatory manner, she will try whatever she can do to help them.  Thankfully, my issue was not huge or stressful at all, however she didn’t put me on the stand-by list but instead gave me a confirmed seat on the earlier flight.  I thanked her greatly and told her to have a nice day and that I really appreciated her help.  She was friendly in return and commented that she was thankful for me.  You know what though?  I was thankful for her and for reasons unrelated to my flight.  On my way over to my gate I stopped at the Starbucks for a coffee, and stood behind a woman who was very irate that this location did not have the breakfast sandwiches.  But because of what I had just experienced, I was then extra nice to the cashier . . . it’s not his fault they don’t have them yet he just experienced this woman being completely rude and curt towards him about it.  Let’s all pay it forward and throw a little smile and please/thank you in today . . . you never know where it may get you.  Be that diamond in the rough amongst rude travelers like I posted about earlier this year and make a difference in someone’s day.

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