Thursday, November 21, 2013

Infinity scarves . . . why they are a road warriorette must plus some of my faves!

I am all about efficiency.  Which is why I have multiple travel apps on my phone, leave my suitcase packed in between trips (minus clothing), and love TSA Pre so much (per my previous blog).  You may have noticed cooler temps have arrived over much of the country.  I don’t have time to always worry about what coat to pack or to make sure I have my winter scarf plus dressy scarf to wear with my work outfits.  I need multifunctional.  Which is why I LOVE all of the new infinity scarves that have appeared in stores this fall.  They work with my winter coat, they work with my dress outfits, and most importantly they keep me warm during the day and on a plane.  AND I don’t have to figure out how best to loop or wrap it.  I need to put on or pack ONE.  Efficient!  
 I love them so much . . . below are some of my faves I wanted to share.  You may or may not see me wearing some of these . . .


Sunday, November 17, 2013

The scoop on TSA Pre✓™

TSA Pre . . . the skinny and why I love it so much

You have probably seen articles or news stories about the new TSA Pre . . . or have heard me rave about it during the past few months.  What the heck is it?  Who has it?  Why do I love it so much?  Read on.

(I obtained most of this information directly from the TSA website, to read further visit


The Preis an expedited TSA airport screening process which multiple airlines and airports are now participating in.  Those who are enrolled in the program have a separate security line at the airport checkpoints and basically after doing your ID/boarding pass check you then put your things on the conveyor belt and walk through the detector.  The best part is, you don’t have to take your shoes off, laptop out, belt off, jacket off, or take your bag of 3oz liquids out of your bag.  LOVE it!!  For those of us who fly weekly, it is SO efficient!